tweet是什么意思 tweet的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 tweet like a bird翻译 tweet是什么意思 tweet的中文翻译、读音、例句

tweet是什么意思 tweet的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-10-02 08:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: tweet通常被翻译为"发推、小鸟"的意思,tweet是什么意思 tweet的中文翻译、读音、例句,在英美地区还有"小鸟的"的意思,发音音标为[twi:t],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到17个与tweet相关的同义词和例句。




1. I just posted a new tweet about my travel plans for next month. (我刚刚发布了一条关于下个月旅行计划的新推特。)

2. She always checks her tweets before going to bed. (她睡觉前总是查看她的微博。)



例句:Conduct a search on twitter to see if any of your favorite comedians tweet. (搜寻一下推特,看有没有你喜欢的搞笑大师的账号。)


例句:Jimmy Kimmel posted this tweet that would eventually propel the video to be as popular as it would become. (吉米·吉梅尔一则推文 推波助澜让这个视频大受欢迎。)


例句:And then Justine's employers got involved: [IAC on @JustineSacco tweet: This is an outrageous, offensive comment. (然后呢,贾丝婷的雇主也搭腔了: [IAC 就@贾丝婷·萨科发表推文: 该帖出言不逊,令人发指。)


例句:And tweet they did -- hundreds and hundreds of tweets, a lot of them featuring images like this one. (翻译:他们发了很多推文—— 成百上千, 很多都带着像这样的图片。)


tweet一般作为名词、动词使用,如在tweet tweet([网络] 啾啾;鸟叫声;小鸟啾啾)、live tweet([网络] 现场鸣叫)、tweet seat([网络] 微博专座)等常见短语中出现较多。

tweet tweet[网络] 啾啾;鸟叫声;小鸟啾啾live tweet[网络] 现场鸣叫tweet seat[网络] 微博专座tweet seats[网络] 微博座席;微博专座例句

1. And then Justine's employers got involved: [IAC on @JustineSacco tweet: This is an outrageous, offensive comment. (翻译:然后呢,贾丝婷的雇主也搭腔了: [IAC 就@贾丝婷·萨科发表推文: 该帖出言不逊,令人发指。)

2. And tweet they did -- hundreds and hundreds of tweets, a lot of them featuring images like this one. (翻译:他们发了很多推文—— 成百上千, 很多都带着像这样的图片。)

3. I can tell you if you, FBI, tweet my page. (翻译:要是联邦调查局 I can tell you 能转发我的主页 我就告诉你 if you, FBI, tweet my page.)

4. In the past, some of the winners have been "tweet" in 2009 and "hashtag" in 2012. (翻译:过去,有些通过的单词有 xx年的“tweet” xx年的“hashtag”, )

5. Are Twitter users with more followers, tweets, replies or retweets more relevant in the context of real time one-to-many conversations? (翻译:有更多的follower、tweet、reply、retweet的用户,在一个实时的一对多对话上下文中更具相关性吗?)

6. You step on the scale, tweet your weight to your friends, they can keep you in line. (翻译:你可以用微博把你的体重告知朋友,他们能让你保持身材。我们有无线网络血压计。)

7. We didn't realize that the critics would start to live-tweet along with us. (翻译:我们没有预料到剧评人们会开始跟着我们一起实时推特 )

8. Art, from a tweet of the bird. (翻译:艺术,来源于小鸟的鸣叫。)

9. His nest was in the apple tree, tweet, tweet, twee! (翻译:他的巢在苹果树上,啾,啾,啾! )

10. Word came out via a Tweet from Jonathan Landman, deputy managing editor at The New York Times. (翻译:如下文字来自《》副主编乔纳森·兰德曼的Tweet。)

11. Mrs. Florrick, Mr. Gardner, if the defendant had written a tweet insisting that Rainey was lying, (翻译:福瑞克夫人 加德纳先生 如果被告也写一条推特 坚持蕾妮在说谎)

12. I just got a tweet from some burner account. (翻译:有个一次性用户发了条推文给我 I just got a tweet from some burner account.)

13. - And tell me what his tweet said. (翻译:- Yeah. - And tell me what his tweet said.)

14. I threatened you not to tweet and you did tweet, about whether Mr. Michaels, your history teacher, was gay. (翻译:我警告过你 但你还是继续 在围脖上大肆讨论你的历史老师 Michaels先生是直的还是弯的)

15. But really, what I read was a tweet. (翻译:实际上,我所说的“读了” 是一条推特。)



1. 词的意思:tweet是一个动词,意思是发推特(Twitter)信息,发布短信息,发出鸟叫声,或者作为名词表示一条推特信息。

2. 词性:tweet是一个动词和名词,动词时态形式有过去式,过去分词和现在分词,分别是tweeted、tweeting 和 tweeted。

3. 常用场景:tweet是Twitter上很常见的词汇,尤其是在社交网络中。人们经常使用tweet来表示他们的想法、意见、行为、习惯等等。

4. 词组搭配:一些常见的词组搭配有tweet out(发布推特信息)、tweet storm(大规模连续发布推特信息)、retweet(分享他人的推特信息)、Twitterati(推特上知名的用户)等。

5. 相关短语:一些与tweet相关的短语包括tweeting away(不停地发布推特信息)、tweeting up a storm(发布大量的推特信息)、tweet something out(发布某条推特信息)等。

6. 发音拼写:tweet的发音为/twit/,拼写为T-W-E-E-T。

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